Boost Foundation

Boost foundation runs projects worldwide using our values as a moral compass. We are a team of professionals, in our free time get together and make a difference by doing what we say and saying what we do. We strive to create a global network of honest people that want to change the world while having fun. If you want to join us or want to know more feel free to contact us.

Boost Foundation board structure

Our foundation structure reflects our activities. The organization structure may look like a traditional hierarchy but Boost Foundation is far from that. Every board member has an equal say in all matters. We work together as a team, as CEO, Ian serves the board. The key performance indicators are trust and happiness of the board members, measured on a monthly basis on a scale of 0-10.

If one of the scores falls below 7, I will resign my function. For me these two things are the main reasons anyone should be inclined to do anything.” – Erudini Smits